Sierra Shop!
July 18, 2022
National Tequila Day, also known as International Tequila Day, is celebrated around the world on July 24. Tequila fans in particular look forward to this day, as tequila is one of the most special spirits and creates unforgettable evenings. Of course, there is only one correct answer among Tequila enthusiasts to the question “Do you speak Tequila?”: a spirited “Si”. Whether classic Tequila cocktails or new twists, the Tequila party is best celebrated with friends and family. And with Sierra Tequila de México,the party leader or creative mixologist inside of you comes to life and celebrates the Mexican way. For those who like to drink their Tequila as a shot, Sierra Tequila Blanco and Sierra Tequila Reposado are great choices because of their balanced taste. The enjoyment is rounded off with the unique shot ritual: UNO (salt for Blanco and cinnamon for Reposado), DOS (Sierra Tequila Blanco or Reposado), TRES (lemon for Blanco and orange for Reposado).
While Sierra Tequila is the spirited must-have for any party leader, Sierra Antiguo, a 100% de agave Tequila, brings a full-bodied agave flavour to any Margarita. As one of the most famous Tequila cocktails, the Margarita should not be missed on National Tequila Day. The variety is great and there are no limits to creativity.
A summer trend for 2022 is frozen Margaritas, which ensure a cool treat while they shine with rich colours in your Margarita glass. So why don't you try and enjoy it at this year's National Tequila Day?
You can find the recipes for our delicious favourites in our drinks section and if you are missing the right accessories, have a look in our shop now.
Sierra Shop!
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